Schedule a time : To Do Nothing

3 min readJan 10, 2021


Google Calendar event — that puts a smile on our face :)

Yup, you read that title right! We need to schedule time, otherwise we, the human species are on our way to be renamed as Human Doings ( well we are half way there, I guess) instead of Human Beings. Yesterday evening, a 30 min phone chat with my sister focused how difficult it is — to draw boundary between work & non-work times; not knowing when to stop working or even thinking about work; not having any interesting activities to do post work hours, so rather just work.

One of the deadliest by-product of the pandemic, is this emerging belief that — only if you are productive, you are worth it. If we take a break, we ought to do something “ meaningful” ( aka side projects, hobbies etc) or else, the time is wasted. How can you afford to waste time, lets just do some more research for our next work day.

The loop continues.

Take a pause here, and re-read the loop. Most of the people that I interact with are stuck in this loop, including myself. This loop is so close, and so overwhelming that we get sucked into it, even if we are aware about it.

So here is a thought that I had today morning, how about we schedule an event on Google Calendar ( its best if its in the middle of your work routine) to do nothing. Firstly, make it big, make it an event ( not a task). Inform all The judgements voices in your mind to take an timeout!

By scheduling, firstly you would get a notification on your phone, perhaps an email — which would act as a reminder, that its important to take a pause. And this pause, is not procrastination.

It is an act of resistance against The 24/7 Productivity Master.

This is also act is an act of care, an act of kindness towards yourself to remind you that you deserve some time off. Yes we all deserve it. Even if no one has said this to you.

Work can wait. Emails can wait. Phone calls can wait. All social media can wait. Yes it can. And if you try harder, it will wait for you.( It has no choice :)

We are the authors of our next moment. We have time by our side. All we got to do is wander. Loiter around with your thoughts. Stare at nothingness. Make friends with the little ants crawling around you.

Nothingness is your companion, who is waiting to meet you.

So go out there!




Written by Bimba

Counselor by day, food explorer by night! Love writing than typing words..There is something missing in my life…I am here to find that out!

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